Please share your feedback with us about E4uHub

  1. Make sure you post in the correct category.
  2. Do not put your email or phone numbers in the title or description.
  3. Do not upload pictures with watermarks.
  4. Do not post the same ad more than once or repost an ad within 48 hours.
  1. Meet seller at a safe location
  2. Check the item before you buy
  3. Watch out for unrealistic offers.
  4. Pay only after collecting item
  5. It is recommended to purchase items directly from the seller.
  1. Meet buyer at a safe location
  2. Try to take the full payment at the time of the delivery.
  3. Do not share your financial information except the one required for payment.

Please contact us, at Legal Issues if you suspect someone to be acting fraudulently on E4uHub. We also urge you to notify the Police immediately if you have been a victim of fraud.